There is a Rainbow |
There is a rainbow. Though we may not always see it, there is a rainbow. On a bright clear summers day as you gaze across the way you say, “There is no rainbow!” I tell you at this very moment “There is a rainbow and its colors are so spectacular that only a chosen few can see it! You look at me questionably… As the cool breeze blows and the colorful leaves depart from the trees you say, “See, there is no rainbow!” I tell you at this very moment “There is a rainbow so magnificent it spans from land to sea!” You shake your head in disbelief… The snow comes and goes, its beautiful flakes only here for a moment. You look out the window and say, “There is no rainbow!” I smile and tell you “At this very moment there is a rainbow. Its art form is so unique. It dares us to take a peek!” You look deep into my eyes… A warm spring shower embraces the land. You say “There is no rainbow!” The showers subside. A colorful band of light arches its way overhead. You point to the sky and exclaim with the excitement of a small child “Look, there is a rainbow!” I gently take your hand as we look toward the golden sunset and I tell you, “There has always been a rainbow. From the clear summer days to the cool breeze embracing the leaves all the way to the ground. From the frosty white snowflakes to the warm spring showers. From the smile on your face to the warmth of you hand. At this very moment all you have to do is look around and see what God has created.” There is a rainbow. Though we may not always see it, there is a rainbow! (Dedicated to my wife, family and friends. Thank you for being a part of my rainbow.) © Copyright 2001, by Steve B. Patterson |