
Thank you for visiting our web page.  It is our prayer to encourage your heart

while lifting your eyes towards our Heavenly Father!  It can be really hard to understand

how to deal with the difficulties the “world” brings our way at times.  Our Lord always

has His hand extended to help us.  All we have to do is reach out and accept His help!

Mission Statement:

Higher Focus Ministries is a non-denominational volunteer organization that promotes support of families with children facing

extraordinary challenges through personal and community education, children advocacy programs and financial assistance of medical needs.

Help us help the kids!



May God Bless you!
Founders – Steve & Tracie  Patterson

Higher Focus Ministries is a non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer organization (it’s not a church).

All contributions to Higher Focus Ministries are tax deductible to the full extent allowed under the IRS guidelines.